Hotspot Shield

Hotspot Shield


Protection on public Wi-Fi

People who travel a lot and use public Wi-Fi hotspots at airports, hotels, and coffee shops are at the biggest risk of losing their online identity. Hotspot Shield VPN client provides an encrypted network. It secures your data, credit card information, downloads, instant messages, and passwords from online threats and allows you to browse the internet in privacy.

Unblock sites

Some websites are blocked either by the government of your country, your ISP, or your school or work network administrator for one reason or another. Hotspot Shield allows you to surf anonymously from a US IP address and gives you uncensored access to Hulu outside the US.

Anonymous web surfing

Protect your online privacy by surfing anonymously. Hotspot Shield hides your true IP address which means your privacy is secure. Surfing the web anonymously means that neither your government, your ISP, your network administrator, nor the online snoopers can trace your actual location.
